Optimise Your Android System By Shell Script


If you frequently dirty flash ROMs or restore apps after a clean flash using various backup solutions, you might have experienced longer app launch times or high battery drain. These issues often arise due to inefficiencies in the system's background operations and the way Android handles apps' data and optimisations. To address these issues, we can use a simple yet effective shell script to optimise the Android system, improving both performance and battery life.

This guide will walk you through the steps to achieve this optimisation using a shell script command. By the end of this process, you should notice a significant improvement in your device's performance, particularly in app launch times and battery usage.


For this optimisation process, you will need the following:

  • An Android device with root access.
  • A Terminal Emulator app installed on your device. You can find several options on the Google Play Store.

Understanding the Command

The command we will be using is:

su -c "cmd package bg-dexopt-job"

Here's a breakdown of what this command does:

  • su -c: This part of the command invokes superuser (root) privileges, allowing the following command to run with elevated permissions.
  • cmd package bg-dexopt-job: This is the core command that instructs the system to run a background dex optimisation job. Dex optimisation is a process that converts application bytecode into a more efficient format, which can improve app launch times and overall performance.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Root Users

Step 1: Install a Terminal Emulator

If you don't already have a Terminal Emulator installed on your device, you can download one from the Google Play Store. Some popular options include Termux and Terminal Emulator for Android. Once installed, open the app.

Step 2: Open Terminal Emulator and Gain Root Access

Launch the Terminal Emulator app. You will see a command prompt where you can enter commands. To gain root access, type the following command and press enter:


The Terminal Emulator will prompt you to grant root permissions. Confirm the request to proceed with elevated privileges.

Step 3: Execute the Optimisation Command

Now that you have root access, you can run the dex optimisation command. Enter the following command and press enter:

su -c "cmd package bg-dexopt-job"

The command will initiate the dex optimisation process in the background. Depending on the number of installed apps, this process can take anywhere from a few minutes to over an hour. It's important not to use the device during this time to ensure the process completes without interruption.

Step 4: Wait for Completion

After running the command, you will see a prompt indicating the command has been accepted. However, the actual optimisation process takes some time. Wait patiently until you see a "Success" message in the Terminal Emulator. This message indicates that the optimisation has completed successfully.

Benefits of the Optimisation

After the optimisation process completes, you should notice several improvements in your device's performance:

  • Faster App Launch Times: The optimised dex files will reduce the time it takes for apps to start, providing a smoother and quicker user experience.
  • Improved Battery Life: With more efficient background operations, your device should consume less power, leading to better battery performance.
  • Reduced System Lag: Overall system responsiveness should improve, with fewer instances of lag or stuttering during use.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While the process is generally straightforward, you might encounter some issues. Here are a few common problems and their solutions:

1. Command Not Found

If you receive a "command not found" error, ensure that your device is properly rooted and that you have granted root permissions to the Terminal Emulator. Verify your root status with a root checker app if necessary.

2. Device Becomes Unresponsive

If your device becomes unresponsive during the optimisation process, wait for a few minutes. If the device remains unresponsive, you may need to reboot it. After rebooting, you can rerun the command to complete the optimisation.

3. No Success Message

If you don't see a success message even after waiting for a long time, it's possible that the process completed in the background without a prompt. You can verify the optimisation by checking the performance improvements or using specific diagnostic apps to monitor system changes.

Additional Tips for Optimisation

Beyond the dex optimisation process, there are several other tips and practices you can follow to keep your Android device running smoothly:

1. Regularly Clear Cache

Cached data can build up over time and slow down your device. Regularly clearing cache from the settings or using cache-cleaning apps can help maintain performance.

2. Monitor Background Apps

Some apps continue to run in the background, consuming resources and battery. Use the device settings to monitor and restrict background activity for apps that don't need to run constantly.

3. Keep Software Updated

Ensure your device's operating system and apps are up to date. Software updates often include performance improvements, bug fixes, and security patches.

4. Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

Remove apps that you no longer use. Unnecessary apps take up storage space and can affect system performance.

5. Use Lightweight Apps

Whenever possible, opt for lightweight versions of apps, such as Facebook Lite or Messenger Lite. These versions are designed to consume fewer resources while providing essential functionality.


Optimising your Android system can significantly enhance your device's performance and battery life. By using a simple shell script command to perform dex optimisation, you can address common issues related to app launch times and battery drain. While the process requires root access and a bit of patience, the benefits are well worth the effort.

Remember to follow the instructions carefully and ensure that you have backed up your data before making any major changes to your device. By combining dex optimisation with other best practices for Android maintenance, you can keep your device running smoothly and efficiently for a long time.

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